Studio Job
Soulmates Job Smeets and Nynke Tynagel founded studio job in 2000. This studio was established in the "renaissance spirit", where traditional and modern techniques are combined to produce once-in-a-lifetime objects. The pair started the studio after graduating from the Dutch design Academy in Eindhoven and in the fifteen years since then, they have moved towards being the pioneers of contemporary design. Works by Studio Job can be found in more than forty museums around the world. The design duo have had dozens of solo exhibitions. Their iconic, heraldic and cartoon-like sculptures are popular with collectors. One of the most influential design team according to the financial times, Studio Job is passionate about building up an oeuvre that is becoming increasingly extravagant and personal in its details.
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霍爾德先生(Mr. Holder)是一隻生活在虛構世界的鯊魚,喜愛游泳卻一直學不會的他常常被其他鯊魚霸凌,他們老愛叫他娘娘腔,或是取上難聽的綽號,可憐的他又能怎麼辦呢?
以一個容器的用途,被設計師命名為Mr. Holder讓人莞爾,在英國《GQ》泳池派對單元裏甚至被拿來當作啤酒桶使用,即使不放置任何內容物,霍爾德先生仍然是富有玩味的擺飾。
Qeeboo是由Stefano Giovannoni所創立的「新世代」品牌︰採新的方式製造與分銷設計,選擇網路為主要平台,將物流與倉儲業務外包分銷,縮短供應鏈,實現高品質與低成本。
來自義大利的Qeeboo,以強烈的義大利式設計思維創作,開放於國際市場,著眼於人心。首批推出25種產品,包含椅子、桌子、燈具及配件,皆是與他的設計師好友:Andrea Branzi、Front、Richard Hutten、Marcel Wanders、Nika Zupanc合作,以先進的工業技術與技巧生產;設計師們透過敘述式的譬喻語言作為共通點,創造擁有極大情感力量的標誌性設計。