11,200 TWD
  • 品牌專區 FERROLUCE
  • 型號: ferroluce - C1420
  • 設計師:Ferroluce
    尺寸:Ø 20, H 21, SP 28 cm
    建議光源:1 x MAX 53W E27(光源詳情請來電詢問客服)

    ◈ 此預購商品標示價格為產品單價不含運費,下單前請先行確認運費,未確認運費下單後欲取消訂單,手續費需自行負擔。

    ◈ 本產品係屬國外品牌設計師代購商品,目前無現貨,實際到貨時間經與原廠確認寄送時間後通知。
    ◈ 下單前請先與服務人員確認運費,將視空運或海運方式另外報價運費與預估到貨時間,同意後成立訂單。

  • 庫存狀態: 預 購




Ferroluce company, specialized in the production of lamps, was born in 1982 as a result of the determination of valter and miriam, who wanted to preserve and transmitted the italian craftsmanship excellency.

The products are the result of the love and respect for the tradition and the materials: simplicity, antique values, the flavor of a passed time which still belongs to us and which we wish to perpetuate by recreating a unique atmosphere of style and elegance in every Home.The production is performed exclusively in italy and each item is a union of the harmony of shapes and the constant research of new chromatic alchemies; each item is distinguished from the monotony of products made in series with its own unique personality.

This is why ferroluce caters To the current demanding clients who are not only looking for the right solution for classical furnishing, but above all want to find a company which is competent and able to personalize every item in its form, size, decorations, and colors.

▪ 不提供鑑賞及退貨。

▪ 此商品屬預購品,下訂後客服會連繫您告知出貨時間,若有大量供貨需求歡迎與我們連繫。

▪ 商品圖檔顏色因光線、螢幕設定會略有不同。尺寸為人工丈量會有±5cm誤差,請以實品為準。

▪ 若對商品尺寸、材質、顏色有疑慮歡迎與我們聯繫,我們將盡力為您解答。


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